I don't have sense of control over my computer.

You can say "You must use only FLOSS, only freedom-friendly hardware, etc. Then you can control your computer. "

But alas, it is an overstatement. Because if I encounter a problem, then often I forced to google solution and blindly use instructions. Without proper understanding, like magic. Thus, sometimes I feel nostalgic about times then my needs and my understanding were in perfect harmony.

My criterias of control:

1.I must understand how it works "under hood". My understanding must vary from very abstract concepts to detail comprehension of every "cogwheel", according to my needs.

2.If I encounter a problem, then I should be able to solve it on my own, without help of other people. In ideal, even without Internet.

3.I must have proper understanding of the solution.

4.I must figure out reasons of the problem.

5.I should be able to optimize computer according my needs.

That should I do? Let's do brainstorm.

1.Development of my problem solving skills. Concept maps, inductive logic, mathematics, power search in the Internet, etc.

2.Maybe I need KISS-friendly Linux. You know, like Slackware, Crux.
By the way, if "computations control" can be considered as related to ethics, then in my book proprietary MS-DOS much more ethical than opensource Trisquel. Because knowledge is power. If you have complicated open source system, then it is like "Hey dude, there is a gift for you. This is a cool spaceship, I hope you will like it very much. What? You don't know how use it? What a pity!

3.Hmm, maybe some of LPIC-1 tutorials can help me.

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