>Could you help me understand what netinstall is like?
Ctrl+Alt+F1, you get back with Ctrl+Alt+F7

>The whole screen is that text interface?
Correct. You can try running alsamixer to see a "text GUI". Escape exits it. Some programs have such user interfaces (ncurses) but many don't.

Often one just gives commands and observes output, if any. Usually lack of output means the command was successfully carried out.

Most commands have manual pages which try to explain to you what the command does and any parameters you can give to it.

man command

Some commands however lack manual pages (notably apt-get) but you can get a terse info with
command --help

>Is multi-tasking possible or necessary for a server? Like what if I want to run an email server and a file server at the same time? Multitasking is a requirement for all modern computing: there usually is only one processor but many processes. Open a terminal and take a look at the top command to get an idea. You get out of top with the q key. Usually it's q or escape.

You can run "several servers" (daemon processes listening on different ports) on "one server" (the physical computer). There are default ports for applications, e.g. 80 is for http (web servers) and 22 for ssh (secure shell). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_number

>To install a program with apt-get, use the command sudo apt-get install programnamehere. To be precise, one runs commands and installs packages. I guess either of those could be called programs.

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