X60 has no ME, it's only for devices with newer Intel chipsets (using
the PCH).  ME blob is stored in the same Flash chip as the BIOS/coreboot
in newer systems.

Ethernet cards too can have nonfree firmware.  It's not normally
updated, while it can have bugs
http://blog.krisk.org/2013/02/packets-of-death.html which can be used
for DoS attacks against the device using it.  Disks have firmware too.
RYF certainly allows these, since they are separate enough from the CPU
and no updates are recommended by the vendor.

I don't know what security and privacy issues result from running ME
firmware nor how different it is from one with AMT.

Native VGA init is available for Chromebook Pixel and ARM Chromebooks.
might list boards with free EC.  I haven't checked the code nor looked
for documentation showing that it's used.  (VGA init can be freed, a
skilled hacker could make these as free as X201.)

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