Thanks for your support.

For the record, ChaosEsque has an arc cannon that can arc back based on the material it encounters.

The xonotic forum is still debating this, and how to code it, one of the devs said it was impossible and wouldn't work through warp zones (samual) and was a retarded idea. He was wrong and screenshots were shown of it working fine through portals/warpzones in the mod (has existed for about a year in the mod, unbeknownst to them). Then said posts were moved or deleted ofcourse and the forum members are still debating the difficulty of coding, so on and so forth.

It's allready been done!


(r_showtris on, beam through warpzones)

(a tank, this was deleted in the posts too, the one developer who now dominates xonotic-vanilla and rejects all contributions, and ruminates about putting ads in the game, and "monetenizing" the game, and speaks of it as "his game", and says he'll kill any server admin that doesn't use his settings for something... didn't like the tank pic either... all this when he's wasn't there when nexuiz forked to xonotic... yet it's his game now)

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