Trisquel (and Debian, which I use) don't come with a firewall controller installed by default. The reasons why have been debated here many times before, so don't hope for that to change anytime soon. What I do is, I have all the Debian CDs and so I install the first one, and before I connect to the internet, I install Gufw from the CDs. That way you can control ports open and closed before you connect to the internet. If you can't do that (since Trisquel doesn't work with Debian's CDs) you can install the CD, connect to the internet (maybe using a router firewall to greater protection) and install Gufw. Disconnect, configure firewall, and connect again.

Anyway, if you are serious about security, keep in mind that firewall is just one of many steps you need. One thing you SHOULD do to increase your security is install the NoScript Addon for firefox/abrowser. You might also wanna take a look at subjects such as encryption, Tor, rootkits (RKHunter for example), etc.

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