It won't work well. Any kind of automated test is going to have a lot of problem areas.

3D Examples:

Reports back, “WORKING”, but crashes every 30 minutes.
Reports back, “WORKING”, but is extremely loud, because the fan doesn't work Reports back, “WORKING”, but only because the user installed a non-free blob manually

Wireless Examples:

Reports back, “WORKING”, but you can't transfer more than 500MB before crashing Reports back, “WORKING”, but the bluetooth portion of the card is dependent on non-free software Reports back, “WORKING”, but the bluetooth only worked because the user has MS Windows/Ubuntu/or some other OS w proprietary software loading it Reports back, “WORKING”, but you can't connect due to digital restriction or on/off button issue

56K Dial-up Modems:

Reports back, “WORKING”, but doesn't mention the fact fax doesn't work
Reports back, “WORKING”, but fails to mention a variety of other features don't work Reports back, “NOT WORKING”, but actually would if only the distribution had included the right permissions so the modem was accessible to the test application Reports back, “NOT WORKING”, but only because it didn't get the port right, auto-detect actually picks it up, but hey- we're just a simple test app


Reports back, “WORKING”, but the machine is a mulch-function device without support for scanning despite having scanning capability Reports back, “NOT WORKING”, but actually does, your just missing some piece of software which has to be installed from the repository

Those are just a handful that come to mind. There are lots of other issues.

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