Until this afternoon, I was despondent and whined:
> Just where do I find the specific download of a Trisquel-compatible driver for this Intel D865GLC mobo's integrated graphics at the Intel.com website ?

... until a short while (about an hour) after the anticipated motherboard arrived. I swapped the various drives, transferred my two memory modules purchased for the HP 6430NX, hunted down an extra affixing screw for this slightly larger board, found all the appropriate sockets scattered hither & yon, and got it all together with nothing left over. The Intel D865GLC motherboard fit in place of the HP 6430NX's motherboard with only an extra screw hole, and there is even a socket for that, would you believe. After a short pause at the BIOS settings, Trisquel booted up with nary a complaint, and _voila_ ! got the desired resolution in the SyncMaster 2253BW monitor: 1680x1050. No additional drivers for which to search. Nice !

Thanks to all who steered me in the correct directions. Got it all done for half the $200+/- that *icro *enter would have charged me for their oft-advertised but not-in-stock Linux desktop model.

This Trisquel installation is now fully free, except for the three now-superfluous but functional graphics cards, one of which I can return.

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