Has anyone else had trouble with the Electrum Wallet in Trisquel 7?

Even though I was careful in copying the seed and password for the wallet, it now will not accept the password and the seed does not re-create the wallet as it's supposed to. It produces different addresses with zero balance.

If someone else told me they had these symptoms I would be suspicious that they had confused that seed & password with a different wallet they had previously created and were just mistaken. The problem is that I am 100% certain that the seed and password I wrote down were in fact the ones I had when I created this wallet.

There was an update of "python-electrum" that I ran recently so It's possible that Electrum had some regression bug or something. However, I booted a liveCD without any updates applied and the version of electrum that ships with the default ISO didn't work either.

Unless I can brute-force this wallet, I seem to have lost $120 or so in Bitcoin. That's what's hard to take.

Has anyone else had any problems with the Electrum wallet in T7?

P.S.: The moral of the story... Make sure you export your private keys BEFORE you trust the addresses created by any program, even if you believe you have the passwords, etc. Transfer a few millibits around between your Electrum addresses before you trust them.

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