advert = advertising

first commercial advertising to children should be banned
or at very least much much more regulated

as children are more easily manipulated and normally not as knowledgeable i know this as i recently was one.

an example of a bad children's advert:
this product is very unhealthy and in some
cases addictive
how can you expect most children and some adults to make a informed
decision about the health affects of this product
when they are only displayed in small text on the back of
the box?

i think commercial advertising to adults is fine if it just provides the information you need to make a decision about weather you want to buy that product or service
for example:

this is another good example:

but when adverts do more than just provide information
like adding music or trying to make it personal
or even directly telling you to do something
as in this advert:
that is bad advertising.

the purpose of a advert should be only to provide information to the person receiving the advert
the person receiving the advert should then make
the decision the advert should not tell you.

examples of bad adverts:
and the message in this advert is your dog takes
care of you so its your duty to take care of it.
using emotion the increase the chances of you buying
the product

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