Hello again,

Cheers for the replies!

I guess it might have been Trisquel 6.0 I meant. I thought it was 5.5 as I remember in the beginning being able to window snap and then window snapping disappearing for a long time. I must have had Metacity set instead of Compiz in 6.0.

I would have to disagree with you about the semi-transparent panel looking ugly, but I do agree that it is Very buggy! Even when using 5.5, I remember the panel suddenly becoming un-transparent after a while of running the OS, and now even when customising the panel in 7.0, those bugs still exist, and as you mentioned, the indicator applet does not become transparent. I believe if these bugs were fixed, some sort of nice transparency on the main panel would look nice for a future release of Trisquel. The new transparent Trisquel start menu in my opinion is very impressive looking. I love it.

Thanks for the instructions to install Compiz. I may try that when I have time.


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