I believe I have isolated the cause of all the weird problems.

Once first up with Trisquel 6.0 Live, I did the following 3 commands:
$ free -m
Mem:     431   425     5
buffers        176   254
Swap:   1014     0  1014
$ sudo swapoff /dev/zram0
$ free -m
Mem:     431   425     5
buffers        178   252
Swap     798     0   798
With Disk utility, I have the following listing:
Storage Devices
   Local Storage
      Pata Host Adapter
      Peripheral Devices
      701 MB File        (filesyste.squashfs)
      Generic Flash Disk (unused ext2 partition)
      40 GB Hard Disk    (with fat32, 800MB swap, and Ext4)
     193 MB Solid State Disk

I was now able to access and reformat what was still defined as swap on the solid state drive (/dev/zram0) to ext2 and I also encrypted it with a long key, to ensure nothing from it could be accessed by any process. I didn't even bother benchmarking it any more. While I am up it should hopefully stay quarantined.
With gparted, the only listed devices are the bootable usb flash and usb winchester:

I thank you all for your interest and helpful advice.

trisquel@trisquel:~/Documents$ uptime
 12:12:23 up 16:41,  8 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.07
trisquel@trisquel:~/Documents$ free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           368        353         14          0         16        112
-/+ buffers/cache:        224        144
Swap:          798        138        660

Peace at last!

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