Before anything thank you for this honest and complete message.

I understand what you mean, but at the same time I have some problems trying to solve what for me wasn't a problem until I saw all those comments. We dedicate to Free Software but for now we can't propose fully free hardware (only if we started selling old computers like the x200). This is quite a problem, because all our branding was based on the Free Software values, and yes this partnership doesn't go well with our believes. As for the LibreBox, I can try to tell how many times I want that it comes from the junction of the LibreTrend name and the term Box, and yet you'll still be completely right.

We can't change our branding, and we can't change the name of our products, but we can make it more clear that one product/software etc.. is no Free Software, and this is exactly what we will do. In the next days I'll make some important changes on the website in order to reflect that question, and I'll make it more clear what is Free Software, what isn't and what is the importance of Free Software.

Once again, I take every comment, positive or negative, very seriously because not only this can and will affect my own business, but it also will affect the way LibreTrend works. How can we work only for Free Software and still be confusing people ? That would be a huge nonsense for our business and I sincerely didn't see that problem that way.

Once again thank you for your feedback!

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