I do and/or have done a bit of graphics and video editing over the years.

What's worked for me in the past:


There are some decent tutorials on GIMP so you can apply some of the same techniques to make your images look near-perfect. They may not come out quite as professional-looking due to time spent and/or skill, but in my experience the average person won't notice anyway. Most people will be like "You did that yourself? How'd you do that?"

Here is an example on how to take a product and make it reflective similar to what professional graphics designers do for large companies (ie Apple, Sony, Microsoft, etc):


Basically if you can follow the directions you can create some pretty impressive looking material.

Here is a brochure that I made (older version which is out of date, but none-the-less) using all free software:


Or an example of the reflection effect in action:


The brochure took the most time. The reflection takes a mere 10-20 minutes maybe at the most. The more time you put into it the better you can get it too. A lot of the stuff I've done was more quick and dirty to get the job done, as I just don't have that much time and I have more important projects to work on/coordinate/figure out how to finance/etc.

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