I have looked and it seems that a HP printer supported by HPLIP isnt a guarantee that it is supported by Trisquel. All Envy and almost all Officejet that is in h-node database is supported.

My search is after a automatic duplex printer with scanner, USB and maybe RJ45. I dont print so much so my search is for a cheaper that I can refill ink.

HP Envy 5640 but use the "new" HP 62 cartridge that is hard to find ink for me.
Officejet 5740 has Ethernet that is nice but it has the HP 62 cartridge.
Older Envy 5530, Envy 4500 (Only wifi tested at h-node.) and Officejet 4630 use HP301 that is easy find ink for. But I'm not interested in the document scanner on Officejet 4630.

Do all these printers work with Trisquel?

One other question. Can these printer print print even when one color is empty or printer believe is empty?

I do not live in USA so I cant buy from ThinkPenguin.

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