Try MPV. It's a plug-in that for the browser that uses youtube-dl to display the video within the browser without Adobe Flash. It works on near 1000 sites minus the few commercial streaming sites (ie Netflix and probably Amazon Prime, and Hulu):

Now it is humorous that these sites would demand DRM considering that there are lots of sites distributing this same material presumably in violation of the copyright owners. However I know of very (actually I can't think of more than one person) few people who would respect the major entertainment players copyrights which means the entire DRM-effort is utterly pointless.

Now I think you should adjust this to Android 3.0.1 instead of pretending to be using an iPad. I'd suggest not contributing to the Apple user statistics. This give Apple more leverage and they one of the bigger players at odds with our interests. You can fix this in the User Agent Switcher. Go to Tools > Default User Agent > Edit User Agent and click the New button > New User Agent. In the user agent field past the following:

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 3.0.1; en-us; GT-P7100 Build/HRI83) AppleWebkit/534.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/534.13

And for the App code name:


You can enter Android 3 for the description and delete whatever is in the other fields (other than the ones above of course)...

It is a valid argument that Android is Google and Android isn't much better, but I think in the scheme of things Apple is more of a threat, which is why I'd suggest switching. I don't know how this compares to Apple as far as sites supporting it, but Android also doesn't support Flash so it should probably be just as effective. I know for the BBC news videos the Android 3.0.1 user agent string above works wonderfully.

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