Of course you cannot install Windows without getting a malware: Windows is malware! You can consider that Microsoft (and who has enough power over Microsoft such as governments) own all Windows systems and the data on them. It is not hypothetical: the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSAKEY is/are known since Windows NT4, Microsoft can remotely install whatever it wants on a (usually specific) Windows system, it was shown that every search in Explorer, the title of any media played on Windows Media Player, etc. is sent to Microsoft. Any proprietary bit potentially is malware. You are denied the right to know. That is not acceptable. Trisquel is 100% free software. You had better talk to your teachers, raise the ethical issue you have with using proprietary, and ask for the permission to use equivalent free software (LibreOffice instead pf MS Office, GNU Octave instead of MATLAB, FreeCAD or LibreCAD, etc.) even that means a harder work. Teachers are sensible to students who are prone to work harder. Wifi may be problematic (but you can buy an adapter at ThinkPenguin or Tehnoetic and be sure it will work). It depends on the chipset. You had better try Trisquel from a Live system and see by yourself. See https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/installation-guide and https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/setup for installation instructions. The installer proposes the encryption of the sole /home partition. It proposes a reasonable partitioning schema by default but you can make opt for a manual partitioning. Yours is reasonable as well and you can execute 'df -h' on one of your systems to see your actual usages of the system partitions (double these digits to be at ease). I do not see much point to have /boot separated from / unless you want different filesystems for them. The drawback is obvious: a bad dimensioning and you will end up with one of the two partitions full although the other one is empty. I believe (I do not double boot) Trisquel's install will overwrite the MBR. GRUB will therefore be configured from Trisquel (and list all your systems: do not worry). You can then reinstall GRUB from another installed system if you wish. In Trisquel, you get the option to delete a bar with Alt+Right click on it. But you may want GNOME Shell where the "Activity" view can show the icons of frequently used programs. Maybe GDM too for a few additional functionalities such as the ability to lock the screen. They are a few clicks away in the "Synaptic package manager" (in the "System parameters"). The only laptops that are free down to the BIOS are sold at http://minifree.org but if you compromise on the BIOS for more recent hardware then get it from http://libre.thinkpenguin.com and have the guarantee that it will perfectly work with Linux-libre hence Trisquel. No Google DNS. Because I use https://github.com/dillbyrne/random-agent-spoofer/releases I am not sure whether Abrowser's default useragent identifies Trisquel. If that useragent is the generic Firefox one, I do not think Abrowser can be set apart from the generic Firefox. If you are really concerned about your anonymity on the Web, you can download and use the Tor browser (that tries to be as generic as possible to avoid fingerprinting).

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