But, this is not the largest program that I compiled.

I guess your root filesystem was not that full when you compiled those larger programs.

So, 20gb of root are full right?


it is where I have installed all packages from Synaptic? it is /dev/sda1/ and not where I stome my user's files: /home/USER/ ??? right?

Not only those programs: everything but what is the home folders of the users.

I dont know what it does.

'sudo apt-get clean' removes the .deb package APT downloaded. You usually do not need them once the packages were installed. However it may happen that the package manager has to reinstall a package. Without the .deb, it would download it again. 'sudo apt-get autoclean' keeps the latest versions of the packages for that reason.

So, I have no free space in my 20gb partition, can I make it bigger with LiveCD/USB nad Gparted?

You can. But, as I explained earlier, it is not that easy because your user data are on an XFS filesystem. That is why I suggested you to first graphically discover where did the 20GB of space go (and hopefully remove useless files/packages): the "Disk usage analyzer" in the "System settings" does just that. Just double click on the root partition to analyze it. You may discover interesting things.

To start with, /var/cache/apt/archives may contain GB of .deb packages since you never cleaned them.

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