"Calm down. I'm not out to get you."
I was calmed down and I still am. You had complained about my email address and then I changed it ironically. This is the third time I've got to explain this to you.

"conspiracy theories"
I didn't said such a thing. The trisqueltrollsquad is a name for a set of exclusive users. There's no such a thing as a conspiracy, organization, squad, team nor a nation named trisqueltrollsquad. That was made up by another member of the trisqueltrollsquad named MagicBanana and another one I forgot the name. I haven't said there's a conspiracy agains me not even a persecution against me (opposed as what you said in another post that I think I'm being persecuted). How does it comes that I talk about conspiracy theories and you are talking I am someone else?

"the belief that your
neighbours are more dangerous than the intelligence apparatus"
I haven't made any reference to it. Now I can tell you that in my neighborhood were 4 Inn Tel ngy Agnts. One of them passed away and was actually retired, another one was removed his services to another "state" (it's not another state but it is like saying he was removed from California to Texas). The other two are operative. I should that there were another two agents on the University I went. From the 6 I have mentioned only the latter 2 were "chasing" me. They do not operate in the same neighborhood they live. That's how it works here I don't know why.

For your information me and my family were persecuted by the police during years and a few of them lived in my neighborhood. Now there's only two that still live here. All that persecution stopped about 3 and a half years ago.

"constant reference to the 'trisqueltrollsquad' made you indistinguishable from cooloutac." I'm pretty sure nobody called that name to this set of users. I used to call them 'TheEternalOffTopickers', if that makes you feel better. I0ve changed that named after the introducing of the useless spammerbegone-tool as I stopped working on the wiki for the same reason because I'm truly offended with that crap and the ability to censor comments the trisqueltrollsquad don't like.

Sincerely yours,
Your beloved sweetums

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