I downloaded Trisquel mini Belenos 7.0 LTS (LXDE Desktop, 64bit). I tryed it on a cd, without installing it. I LOVE it, I'm very surprised about how good it is and about the fact that my wifi network worked in a sec. I want to install it but there is a problem:

AUDIO works perfectly (even if i think it is too low compared with windows). It works from Youtube videos in the preinstalled browser but when I try to open an audio file with Gnome Player it doesn't work. It is completely silent. If I try a movie, the video works perfectly but the audio doesn't work.

First I thought it was due to some proprietary shit but I double chacked trying to reproduce an .ogg audio file and it doesn't work.

WHY? Do you think that it will work if I install the OS.

Sorry for my english and for my noobness! :P

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