This i great news. heh in fact i just came to post a link to the
crowdfund my self to promote it :). ive already made my pre-order for...
well... everything :D

It’s been great to hear your excitement for the effort. Thank you so
much for sponsoring it :D Big hand shake/hug :).

No longer do those that care about software freedom have to make do with
mainstream, not fully free cpu’s in laptops and other devices. this is
the best chance, that i see my self and for you, getting RYF laptop and
other devices. Designed how we like them and as chris says. with this
eoma-68 computer card standard (brain in a module) we can swap to
whichever is the best,fastest,free’est computer card (SOC/CPU) there is.

luke really cares about these issues. ive followed the development of
this project from near the beginning. I come to trust him to do the best
he can.

I truly do believe this is a really good bet for ya all. ive put my
money where my mouth is too :D , nod.

this approach means a far greater, than before, independence.

I strongly suggest and strongly recommend that you take this chance up
cus i fear there wont be one like it. in the past ive tried to mention
this cool project on this list and i hope this time you somehow see why
ive been so excited about it over these years.
happy web browsing :)

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