I use i3wm, and here's what I've put in my config file:
exec_always --no-startup-id xrandr --output HDMI2 --left-of LVDS1

The problem is, aftertrying SuperTux and changing the resolution, it changed for the whole computer.
I remember managing to change it back in the game.

But now the same thing happened while trying openxcom (non-free assets, but the rest is), yet I can't change it back. Unfortunately I can't even remember how I did it since before that I changed the in-game resolution so many times without trouble.

Of course, I could restart the computer. I started to refresh my i3config file, but no success.

I also remember having a screen assignment change when on and off the Ultrabase (it's a Thinkpad), which I didn't solve yet. But if I can reset the xrandr display without trouble, this might solve half of the latter issue, and the whole of the first one.

Alternatively, can I script a specific resolution for when the game is turned on, and when off, back to the latter config? Then I'll be able to play full screen, full speed, no CPU screams, and keep my standard screen resolution when not playing.

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