Yes you can have server spawn twice. It's almost one year since I
tried to do so, so I don't remember how to do so. I didn't like the
outcome, so I reverted my "experiment".

My "experiment" worked well, the game indeed went to a different
server instance, and I could use, say, Ctrl + Alt + F8 to go there, and
still have my desktop on Ctrl + Alt+ F7. However, spawning another
server also takes away some functionalities that one would expect to
have, mainly if you're using a keyboard shortcut for some program that
is in the background of the first server instance (e.g.: Mumble
with push-to-talk) and so you try using that shortcut while in the
second instance, which won't do what you would expect.

I also face similar issues, but only when recording videos of a game in
fullscreen (the game itself plays fine, but the resulting video has
dropped FPS). I worked around the problem by running all my games in
windowed mode instead, and it even feels better to do so since I can
also switch windows with combinations like Alt + Tab (while in
fullscreen, some games don't accept Alt + Tab, to the point of not even
letting the combination pass to the window manager being used).

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