
I just managed to make some new hardware work in full freedom.
I started qjackctl, found my hardware audio interface,
started other programs like audacious (in which I had to select the option for jack compatibility)
then linked it to the system output.
I had to download a plugin for vlc, and select the right option then.

I was planning to uninstall pulseaudio completely, and run with alsa/jack only. But there are some downsides.

My questions are:
Is there a way to NOT tweak every program that has audio output (besides using a dedicated distro)? Thankfully, qjackctl seems to remember the latest connections, so that's nice.It seems I can save my jack con But is there a way to save an image or a config file representing the current state? Last but not least, Let's say I want to use my laptop without the audio interface: is tweaking the few audio programs to go with alsa enough?

I'm also trying to make my keyboard controller work, unfortunately a proprietary firmware is needed... It's called madfuload. I was hoping to try to connect it purely via midi (for now it's midi through usb), so that maybe I could bypass the need for the firmware. I have yet to try.

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