That's the lie they keep repeating so that naive people like you, Takumi13, believe it. It is not so. Privacy is an Human Right. Nothing in the world legally enables Google to spy on you. They are providing a service used by many, like television, but the difference with television is that Internet technology allows to spy on the users, so they are just having no scruples in doing it. No matter how many times they tell that lie, spying will continue to be illegal. If spying, and not advertising, was the only thing truly compensating Google for its service, they'd better closing its service immediately, because there's no way spying is going to become legal.

This is even more illegal in Europe, where privacy is an Human Right twice, because being recognized as well in the European Convention on Human Rights. Also, Convention 108 of the Council of Europe protects the privacy of the europeans from the countries that signed it. Also, in the European Union, the Data Protection Directive and its sucessor, the General Data Protection Regulation, protects the privacy of the citizens of the Union.

In addition to this, spying the mail and e-mail is a criminal offence in most countries. In Spain it certainly is, punished with a minimun of two years in prison.

Google has spied on people over the years, and when taken to the courts it has delivered the most shamelessly hilarious lines... When confronted with the accusations of spying everybody's Wi-Fi traffic, they said "it was broadcasted", as if the Wi-Fi network of someones' home was the RKO. When confronted when the accusation of searching the content of e-mails, they said "as when you send a letter to a professor at the University, there's some aide that will read it first".

Don't be a fool. Care about your rights. Or if you don't, at least don't give away our rights, because the rest of us do care about them.

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