Thank you for the thread, albertoefg! I've gone into more detail about my personal tmi bla bla bla everybody's got problems and why I need help learning about gaming on IRC than I care to on the forums.

Right now hedgewars and Minetest are very big in my household. My youngest is part of The Minecraft Generation (tm) and he says that Minetest is simply better software and easier to configure. I'm not sure how many of the kids he brought for the free [s]beer[/s] lemonade are going to stay for the free speech, but that's my li'l activist and I'm proud of him anyway. :)

Jxself, the way you describe text games makes them seem right up my own alley and probably not the worst idea in the world for Heather Jr. either; can you recommend any specific titles we could check out? Preferably leaning a bit more to the co-operative side than the competitive side and if they are multiplayer, with an accepting, diverse, and multi-age community would be nice.

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