1.- If you click one of the many links i shared so far you can see it has support for desktop and mobile OS.

2.- They are intended for different purpose so I don't think one is better than the other.

3.- I don't think it makes a difference for how long the code is being free as long as it is free software.

There are a few good things about Wire, as I already said:

1.- People who is not tech savy can use it without my help.

2.- No need for cellphone number.

3.- End to end encryption by default.

4.- Syncs account between devices.

5.- Send voice messages, files, images, emojis, GIF's, and drawnings.

6.- Text, audio and videocalls.

7.- Nice and clean interface.

8.- People I know is actually willing to change to wire as opposed to other things.

This is why I like it so much.

Not because I think is better. But because it had allowed me to use a free and secure way to communicate with family and friends before they get desperate and say "I don't understand this app" and uninstall.

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