There are 2 options that I use to watch youtube

1.- Our friend JadedCtrl has a collection of (pretty POSIX) shell scripts to browse YouTube quickly, efficiently, and without the bloat most command-line clients require.

Also, shellTube doesn't use the YouTube API at all. This avoids the annoying red-tapey stuff that goes with it -- IDs, registration, quota.

(yeah I pretty much copypaste the description :P her words are better than mine though )

2.- I also use this GUI client called Kaku some videos some times not work though, but I think it is related to youtube limiting some videos (a couple months back a few applications like VLC, youtube-dl and new pipe broke because of changes on youtube)

So that is what I mostly use. Any comments and advice would be appreciated. In virtue of the recent problems with youtube-dl I thought this might help.

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