I do understand that the vagueness of "cloud" is a problem, in particular by obscuring they key fact that your data and your (perhaps) apps are residing on and dependent on a specific physical computer in a specific location owned and controlled by someone else who probably doesn't have your best interests at heart, but the term has become sufficiently widespread to make it necessary for us to use it to market our own alternatives. I especially like how we use its very vagueness against it to subvert its key model of seducing users into putting their data and computing into someone else's hands, and instead restoring user control and ownership.

As far as alternative names --- RABIES??

I constantly bonk my head on my desk over the free software community's penchant for confusing, distracting, unnecessarily controversial, off-putting, and even repellent names (and icons) for various projects. I have complained about many of them (including GNU, "daemon", Evolution, Claws Mail, Ubuntu, VLC, and many more), but this is the worst idea yet. It's almost an SNL sketch level of awful names.

What's next? A family tree program called "Pus-Oozing Sore"? A photo display and light editing program called "Rotting Vomit"?

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