Hi Heather,

Also, there is Libiquity which is based in New Jersey, USA.

I'm not sure whether they would actually sell T420/X220, when and if it would become available for Libreboot, but if you couldn't go to a workshop and couldn't install it yourself, you might be able to save a bit of money and ship it to them for flashing. You'd save money on international shipping, and wouldn't have to deal with customs etc.

That's Patrick's company (I mentioned Patrick in an earlier reply in the thread). It's basically Minifree's US counterpart (I don't run Libiquity, though, I just know the owner). He doesn't advertise a "libreboot installation service" on his website, but he has accepted peoples laptops before for that purpose.

That would probably be cheaper for you than getting Minifree to do it, which is based in the UK, if you couldn't flash it yourself and couldn't get it done at a workshop or hackerspace.


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