With coreboot-4.6 or latest git :

Withtout external GPU (and onboard VGA enabled in build system) : Boots fine
With external GPU (and onboard VGA disabled in build system) : Boots fine

Tested with seabios, grub (although I have an issue with my grub.cfg, but I do have a video output so it's working)
Wait, so it boots fine with Coreboot then?
What else would you need?

Personally I'm fine with booting even with SeaBIOS only.
The only uncovered threat here is someone who's very knowledgable, and who has access to your machine.
For a laptop, it's worth it. for a desktop, meh.

For the boot time, I know that for my board I have to erase memory (remove battery) after flashing the rom. Just in case it's a possibility.

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