If only what you wrote was true. I won't go back to arguing with you, but I'll leave these notes:

> I did not elevate the discussion onto a personal level

You have: "Then he is constantly whining"

> I am not one of your competitors and have no reason whatsoever to be biased towards you.

You are biased: "like when he had this ridiculous avatar or was fighting with thinkpenguin". I care about ethics/freedom of *software* and I quoted Richard Stallman agreeing with me that EOMA68 computer boards are *not* libre hardware.

> I just think of magicbanana

He is biased. He fights anyone who criticize ThinkPenguin (about LibreCMC, EOMA68, and even about labelling Ian Murdock).

> abuse the voting system

That has been a reaction to a previous abuse. "We have used the voting system to restore valid posts that were intentionally hidden and to hide the off-topic messages posted after the discussion was back on track, which we assumed is the purpose of this voting system."


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