We've been testing the Note 2 for a month now and we're extremely happy with its performance running Replicant 6.0.


We have it in offer and we estimate it will become very popular very fast among free software users:


Having increased CPU speed (Quad-Core 1.6GHz vs. Quad-Core 1.4GHz in S3), double the RAM (2GB vs. 1GB in S3) and the same resolution (720x1280) as the S3 -- although the screen is bigger, the resolution is not more CPU-demanding, the graphics on N2 are faster than on S3, even faster than on S2 (which only runs with a Dual-Core 1.2GHz and 1GB RAM at a lower resolution).

Not only the graphics are faster, but freedom-respecting external WiFi in N2 is even more stable than on the S3, thanks to the increased battery capacity (3100 mAh vs 2100 mAh in S3). In S2, external WiFi is less stable than on the S3.


Camera graphics in N2 don't have the latency one can notice in the S3 or S2. The S3 camera graphics are 1s-delayed compared to the N2, while the S2 camera graphics are ~0.5s-delayed compared to the N2.

The N2 also benefits from a built-in Wacom tablet that works with the fully free drivers in Replicant. A stylus comes with the phone and it's easily detachable/reattachable.


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