On Mon, 2017-12-11 at 21:03 +0100, shiret...@openmailbox.org wrote:
> Out of curiosity I browsed the category page and the title of the videos were 
> unattractive to such an extend that I did in fact not click on any of it.

Unfortunately, there are very few contributors aside from the owner of
the site.  I hope people start contributing so it's a nicer site to
visit.  I did my part.

> By the way... (and that's a true story, I'm not trolling) if you go to  
> http://www.freedomporn.org/smut/Category:videos
> and scroll to the letter "c", the first video is titled "calher fapping" or  
> something like that.
> It's not really a video by you, is it?
> Maybe somebody is mocking you?

That is indeed me.  I think porn should be available in the free culture
sphere, so I contributed what I could.  It's a shame I'm not a girl
(although I feel like a girl sometimes.)

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key: http://bluehome.net/csh/pubkey

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