Hi gnutastyc,

Thanks for the info. I downloaded that diff you pointed to and patched trisquel-builder and it seems to be working better now. Yes, I would think that fixing the package builder should be a high priority, if it isn't working properly.

I haven't actually been to any of the development meetings, because the timing doesn't work very well for me, unfortunately (I am at work at that time). I am keen to help out though, so if someone can point me to a list of things that need doing, I will see what I can do. Is there a Trisquel development mailing list, or anything like that, for those that can't conveniently attend a scheduled meeting?

About the branches, you are probably right that Belenos is still being developed and is still the 'current' release, so that might explain why HEAD is pointing to it. For now, I will switch to the flidas branch and try to work on that.

Thanks again! :-)

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