I'm not an advanced user, nor a Libreboot user, nor I like to deal with
boot configurations (because I'm a disaster doing so), but here follows
an interesting suggestion:

I suspect this is the step which is remaining (search for "Libreboot"):
https://jxself.org/linux-libre/ .

2018-01-13T01:24:39+0100 lc...@dcc.ufmg.br wrote:
> With that GRUB configuration, the latest kernel should boot by
> default.  I can take a look at your /boot/grub/grub.cfg if you attach
> it to a post but I do not promise anything.  It may be that
> libreboot's things interfere.
> Older kernels do not substitute newer kernels because if, for some
> reason, the newer kernel does not boot (or just does not drive some of
> your hardware as well as the older kernel), you are happy to have
> another kernel to select in GRUB's menu.
> Talking about the GRUB menu, have you tried to boot the newer kernel
> from "Advanced options for Trisquel" (or something like that).  You
> know about the useless GRUB password and how to learn it or, better,
> get rid of it, don't you?

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