“It’s possible that in 20 years we’ll look back at the current generation of children and say: ‘Look, they are socially different from every other generation of humans that came before and as a result this is a huge problem and maybe we need to regulate these behaviours.’

The damage is already done, their behavior is radically different from my generation's behavior and it doesn't take a genius to understand so. Have you been on a train lately or a bus or any of those places where kids get to be together? They could not be more alienated and separated from any reality than they currently are. It's disgusting, a shame. Noam Chomsky once said: 'You have to pose on people what's called a "philosophy of futility". You have to focus them on the insignificant things of life, like fashionable consumption. And it makes perfect sense. The ideal is to have individuals who are totally disassociated from one another, whose conception of themselves, the sense of value is just "how many created wants can I satisfy?'

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