> Do you think you could probably point me out to the correct RFC (or whatever web standard document applies) to read more about that process?

I am not well versed on this, but AFAIK http requests are connectionless, i.e. there's a request and a response, whereas https is connection based.

Because https communication is basically an autenticated and encrypted session, i.e. a VPN tunnel, which requires a sustained connection. Otherwise, each simple request such as GET should have been preceded by establishing an SSL tunnel, and terminating the connection upon response. This is simply too expensive to implement. So an SSL tunnel (connection) must be permanent one, in which, requests and responses exchanged. Even if there's no exchange of request/response pair between the client and server, the connection should stay open once established, until either connection times out or parties terminate the connection gracefully (by handshaking). This is as far as I remember. I might be omitting important details.

As for a link, I don't have one readily available, but a DDG search with combinations of "ssl" , "connection" , "https" , "tunnel" , "rfc" words should lead you to relevant resources, I think.

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