> https://www.enlightenment.org/

I used Enlightenment for a while. Its support for dynamic tiling eventually led 
me to i3, but unlike i3 Enlightenment isn't scary to beginners. The only 
problems I recall were that it seemed buggy and crashy in general (to be fair, 
I was using Arch at the time) and that systray did not work and I could find no 
other way to use nm-applet without something ugly like stalonetray. It seems 
that Enlightenment assumes you will use Connman instead of NetworkManager, and 
I could not get Connman many WiFi connections, including that at my university. 
Other than that I liked Enlightenment.

> http://www.bodhilinux.com/

Bohdi is not libre, correct? Do you know if Moshka itself is libre, and if so 
have you tried it? If it is stable, shares Enlightenment's tiling 
functionality, and plays nice with NetworkManager I may try building it.

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