> No results with shortcut to terminal session.

Since you say later that you were able to start the text installer, you
should be able to boot into a live Trisquel or Trisquel Mini session.
If you have any data on the machine that isn't backed up somewhere else,
I would boot into a live session and use that to recover your files, and
then reinstall. If there is nothing important on the machine, I'd just
reinstall now.

> I can get as far as "[!]Choose a Mirror" in text mode installation.

Is it by any chance this error?[1] I ran into this too the other day.
Maybe a graphical install would work.

> Sorry, I can't grasp Middleton's.

When I have time I'm going to try to install Middleton's BIOS on my X61.
If I am successful I can walk you through doing the same.

[1] https://trisquel.info/en/issues/25533

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