As a contribution, in Brazil the Consumer Protection and Defense Code demands 
every service or product *sold* to come with a legally implied warranty of 90 
days for durable things such as software. So the "no warranty" clause is void 
in Brazil, but this does not nullify possible other parts of the license.

Also, AGPL/GPL at least in version 3.0 allow to replace the "no warranty" part 
of the notice with a warranty-giving one, that in Brazil would be complementary 
to the one implied by law in Brazil.

Em 4 de julho de 2019 09:52:17 BRT, escreveu:
>It seems to me the argument for not using Libre software and tools in  
>business is that there is no warranty; so if something should go wrong
>important files are lost, there is no one to blame. Also, we have a
>that has grown accustomed to the idea that the software is a trade
>With art creation, people are inspired by eachothers works all the time
>sample colors and shapes from eachothers images. Is there a way this
>could be  
>done with code? one can sample how a certain function works but not
>exactly how all the code is interconnected? I think the trouble with
>code is  
>that code does things, which art does not... How can code be made
>while having companies protect their IP? I can't think of a way... All
>I can  
>think of is that making software closed source should be illegal OR
>have a company type like Public Benefit Corporation where its illegal
>to use  
>closed source software.
>Thinking out loud here...

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