> I'd like to know if anyone here has any idea what they're referring to?

Hard to say, but he has said a lot of really wild stuff in his life. But, he's always been a provocateur, who views part of his purpose as challenging people on the words they use and on the way those word choices affect laws, politics, religion, marriage relationships, etc. It's no surprise whatsoever that someone who is trying to be outraged could find something to be outraged about by Stallman's speeches or writings about sex or other controversial topics. He never ever shied away from talking about the "taboo" subjects or being labeled politically incorrect, not that I've ever seen.

At the same time, the SFC is basically a Google-funded mouthpiece for promoting their favorite "open source" projects, and promoting "open source" work as being equivalent to "libre" counterparts. Little wonder that Google, who took huge hits from Stallman over the years, would bankroll a hit job on him.

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