I don't really understand why you started to talk about yakuza in this context though, because "Thank you very macho" is just kind of a Japanese standard greeting, it is called "oyaji gag" (old men's joke) for this kind of a congregational context. However, as I said, I hated yakuza. Because they seemed to be merely childish criminals who merely have resentment against their mothers (my mother didn't love me! don't you too love me like my mother!?...etc). I was the one who was embarrassed watching their resentment... But I started to think that a few of them actually might be cool guys. They might be real yakuza who should be called so. Their living style looks like kind of a gambler's one. I guess they might be the ones who has initially or traditionally to be called yakuza. They are super cool. Totally different from yakuza, but yakuza. Anyway it was just an appropriate oyaji gag for the context. It is standard. Maybe the low standard threshold of the yakuza world made itself bloated that much was the one of the main causes? Please watch Takeshi Kitano's "Hanabi". The hero is super cool. I think he is the one of them who should be called yakuza.

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