The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Aarre
  Greg Pickering was a collector of Scientology Materials and a friend of 
Dennis Stephens.  After Dennis told Greg about the TROM research he was doing 
Greg Felt this was important work and volunteered to turn the research notes 
into a manual.
  Dennis agreed and the two worked together for a time to produce the manual 
and proof read it till Dennis was satisfied that it was good.
Dennis then asked Greg to handling publishing the book in Australia where he 
lives and asked Terry Scott in England to handle distribution there.

At first Greg was agreeable to this but when he found that he would have to 
promote the book he was apparently worried that he would have trouble with the 
Church of Scientology and begged off.

Judith Anderson then volunteered to do the distribution of the book in 
Australia and Fleming Funch volunteered to Distribute in the USA where he lived 
at that time.

As far as i know Greg Pickering still lives in Austrailia but he did not 
respond to a letter i sent requesting help with TROM.

I was in the Sea Org at the Flag Land Base from 1976 to 1978.  my work was to 
clean the Fort Harrison hotel to get it ready for the staff to move in and then 
worked doing equipment maintenance to keep things functioning. i got a little 
auditing then and when a Rock Slam occured during my auditing i was routed to 
the Rehabilitation Projects Force, which was the practice at that time. after a 
year in the RPF someone decided to reduce the size of the RPF and i was routed 
out of Flag.  I went back to California where my family lives and got a job.

in the year 2000 i decided i needed to get more auditing and started collecting 
LRH books and tapes.  in this effort i digitized about 1000 LRH tapes and put 
together the Freezone Library on DVD's which i distributed to a number of 
friends who wanted this material.
While collecting the LRH materials i stumbled upon the TROM manual.  
while reading the TROM manual for the first time i had many body sensations and 
saw many vivid scenes from past lives as though i was in an auditing session. 
This convinced me that TROM was an important book so i started researching 
Dennis Stephens history and saw a few references to the additional tapes. i 
spent about a year corresponding with Terry Scott, Ant Phillips, Judith 
Methven, Judith Anderson and unsuccessfully with Greg Pickering to try and get 
all materials they had on TROM.  At first no one could remember having the 
tapes but luckily while doing spring cleaning Judith Anderson stumbled on a box 
full of tapes by Dennis and asked if i would like them. Many of the 60 tapes 
that she had were new material which i digitized and put up at the tromhelp.com 



--- On Mon, 4/4/11, Aarre Peltomaa <peltomaa.aa...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Aarre Peltomaa <peltomaa.aa...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [TROM1] RE Judith Methven
To: "The Resolution of Mind list" <trom@lists.newciv.org>
Date: Monday, April 4, 2011, 7:46 PM

The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Pete                                            April 4/'11
I also would like to acknowledge the very valuable work that you do.  We can't 
overstate it's importance in my opinion.  There is such  a comm lag in the 
society overall, that in my opinion, often a person will not get acked until 20 
years is done for very valuable work.  We aren't the overall society though, so 
our comm lag will be far shorter.

Please tell us about yourself;  how did you find TROM?  Had you been in the 
'church' before?  What do you do for a living?  Please tell us about yourself.  
The newer people on the list may not know.
Another question.  Whatever happened to Greg Pickering of Austrailia?  He was 
supposed to be the archivist and keeper of the materials.  How come we never 
hear boo from him?  How did the materials get to Judith Anderson before getting 
to you?

Thanks sincerely,
Aarre Peltomaa
(647) 202-7267

On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Pete McLaughlin 
<pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com> wrote:

The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

HI Colleen
  You are most welcome to the materials. Thankyou of the acknowledgment.

Judith Methven wrote an article that appeared in the magazine International 
Viewpoints about her satisfaction with TROM.  She had an auditor run her with 
metered auditing to complete the materials and felt that she had completed 
Level 5. Keep in mind that Dennis found the e-meter is not sensitive enough to 
detect the mind after Level 3.

Dennis indeed wanted to have a number of individuals to complete TROM to aide 
in making it a commercial success.  Only he and Judith Methven have attested 
that they completed Level 5.

Judith Anderson and i corresponede by email while i was locating the Dennis 
tapes.  Judith was the Austrailian distributor of TROM for a time and wrote a 
copy of TROM that had some spelling and grammer corrections. She was 
dissapointed that her version was not selling and that the Greg Pickering 
version with the errors was on the internet for free.

Judith Anderson also wrote an article praising TROM which was published in 
International Viewpoints. i understood her disappointment to be in the failure 
of the commercial side of TROM.

I never had the inpression that Judith Anderson completed TROM. When i was 
corresponding with her she was no longer interested in TROM and was happy to 
send me all the Dennis tapes etc. that she had.

Keep on TROMing

--- On Fri, 4/1/11, Colleen Peltomaa <cygnifi...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Colleen Peltomaa <cygnifi...@gmail.com>
Subject: [TROM1] RE Judith Methven

To: trom@lists.newciv.org
Date: Friday, April 1, 2011, 1:47 PM

The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Pete writes:

"Judith Methven made great progress with TROM by having her auditor run the 
processes on her.? the write up of her success is in the archive.

Who wants to take a shot at writting a beginners guide to TROM?"

To contribute to that, I am aware that Homer Wilson Smith wrote up his own idea 
of how to run TROM on someone else.  I think I have it on my hard drive too.

Dennis also said doing the grades might make it easier up to achieving the end 
result of Level 3.

After my confessionals are completed and TRs done, in addition to my personal 
timebreaking sessions (which are going well -- no frustrations that cannot be 
handled by going back to the manual), plus clay table demos of key TROM 
concepts, my auditor and I will have a crack at auditing each other as an 
assist to our own personal sessions.  Judiciously is the key word here.

By the way, at what Level of TROM did JudithAnderson attempt and got 
frustrated?  What methodology is she using now?

Did Judith Methven complete Level 5?  Dennis seemed eager to have some Level 5 
completions carry on his legacy and create some sort of expansion.


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