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Today's Topics:

   1. RE Introduction (Colleen K. Peltomaa)
   2. Message from Alberto Santos (Colleen K. Peltomaa)
   3. Notes on RI (Colleen K. Peltomaa)
   4. Re: Trom Digest, Vol 111, Issue 9 (albertosantosfra...@sapo.pt)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2013 09:37:00 -0400
From: "Colleen K. Peltomaa" <cygnifi...@gmail.com>
To: trom@lists.newciv.org
Subject: [TROM1] RE Introduction
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Welcome David, and great that you are a native timebreaker.

Re Importances, I have been running the RI command, "create an importance"
and find myself running out all kinds of importances with the good effect
that, as you mentioned in your article, there is less of a monotony and
cacaphony of importances.

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Message: 2
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2013 10:12:33 -0400
From: "Colleen K. Peltomaa" <cygnifi...@gmail.com>
To: trom@lists.newciv.org
Subject: [TROM1] Message from Alberto Santos
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Alberto answered a question for me and then gave me permission to post it
here.  The data might be a bit mindblowing for some so just take in as much
as you can and leave the rest as possibly useful data.   Alberto is coming
from a place of love and compassion.  Also, Alberto's native language is
Portugese and I corrected the spelling but not necessarily the word

"Yes to do RI is of great benefit. Do not forget to create also everything
you do not like, on having, doing, being.
This alone puts you in a voluntary game for a bit of time...until next
restimulation! Also RI objective [Perceptual RI] is of great benefit!

For me there is no universe at all! There is no time! It is all here now!
It is a state of permanent bliss! I am the nothingness! Not Know! Not Be!
And so all is as it is! Just perfect! The Universe is also a mind
construct! But, as I want to keep a game, I go into it, and so I do a
non-compulsive game as a Reiki master [Alberto also does Reiki long

I apply the basic abilities to make some influence in the universe, but all
the time leave free will to all things and persons and keep infinite
possibilities for life be, do and have.  If some negative influence comes I
just AS IS it in the moment, and so I do not go out of present time!
Actually there is no time for me! The past is in the past on mind...does
not exist in the physical universe, just in the mind.

To realise that I know really nothing, I am really nothing was the last
step -- I do not even really exist! [the ego identity] So that is the Zero
Point! Only love is real! So, I have to keel [I think here he means "kill"]
the self fully! No person, no separation.

Read this with the heart.

Alberto Santos, Level 5 completion

NOTE:  Alberto also completed the "Course in Miracles" and recommends it
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Message: 3
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2013 10:25:35 -0400
From: "Colleen K. Peltomaa" <cygnifi...@gmail.com>
To: trom@lists.newciv.org
Subject: [TROM1] Notes on RI
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

I took Alberto's advice and started mocking up negatives and here is how I
do it:

 The first instance was that upon reading a new law I felt overwhelming
suppression, and so I said to myself, ?mock up suppression?, did so, and
then put it around me 360. Yawns, release, and kept doing it until
cheerfulness returned, with the bonus cog of, ?oh, I'm creating it all
myself,? coming from a perspective that everything that happens is within
my own mind, my own field of consciousness. Alberto also alludes to that in
the email he sent me, which I posted.

 Dennis states in two places (the manual and on the Dissociation tape) that
people tend to fixate in one of the To-Know goal sets, and that most on
this planet are in the To-Be-Known goal set, followed by the To-Know goal

 He also explains in the manual the particular motivator/overt of each goal
set, with rejection/infliction being the favorite of the To-Be-Known'ers.
Throw in vengeance (negative goal sets such as rape, drugging, and
violence) and there you have the individual and the planet:

 Since I seem to be weak and sporadic doing timebreaking, I decided to
really make RI work for me. Using the above data I have been mocking up my
favorite motivator and overt (rejection/infliction) and doing a 360. I
start by giving myself the command, such as ?mock up rejection? and then
360 it. The purpose is to satisfy the motivator fear and hunger.
Alternately, the overt of infliction. Here I am dealing with the good
sensations that come from experiencing another's overwhelm, and thus I can
see why this cycle can be so addictive, sensation being the paymaster. It
is easier for me to confront the motivator hunger than it is to confront
(and thus give up) the sensations derived from ?nicely? overwhelming that
?not-self? terminal over there. Try it yourself, and I believe you will see
what I'm experiencing, seeing it for yourself.

 I see no other way, short of doing Level 5a, to make a dent into a very
fixed way of being which I recognize severely limits me, and, believe me, I
do see my whole life scan by whenever I have a good run at RI, doing it
this way.

 The funny thing is that I think I came into this body as a To-Know'er,
being a loner and forever reading books and living at the library, and I
will get to work on that particular motivator/overt set too. Or, perhaps it
was a thought of, ?well, if I can't be known, then I will just know,? due
to living with a suppressive To-Be-Known'er. I have not taken a good look
at that yet.

I have also found Alberto's advice about doing perceptual RI to be correct
too, especially if you are convinced in the moment that there is a
multi-dimensional scaly monster taking particular interest in you (tsk, the
things to-be-knowners will do in order to be known).


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Message: 4
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2013 16:20:40 +0100
From: albertosantosfra...@sapo.pt
To: trom@lists.newciv.org
Subject: Re: [TROM1] Trom Digest, Vol 111, Issue 9
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Quoting trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org:

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Today's Topics:

   1. Introduction (davco...@virginbroadband.com.au)
   2. Re: Introduction (Pete Mclaughlin)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2013 08:25:45 +1030
From: davco...@virginbroadband.com.au
To: <trom@lists.newciv.org>
Subject: [TROM1] Introduction
Message-ID: <96e22f01d30f56525eec73662a5ef...@virginbroadband.com.au>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed


I'm David Cooke from  Adelaide, Australia.  I've had an interest in
scientology (in the broadest sense of the word, and with a lowercase
"s")  for most of this lifetime, and came upon TROM a few months ago in
the course of reading everything I could find about the continuation of
the research that LRH began into actual GPMs, games and goals packages.
Two things stood out about Dennis Stephens' work:

1) Timebreaking. I've experienced this way of thinking at least since
going clear 40 years ago but never had a word for it or a conceptual
framework to explain it.  In place of small, solid, apparently
other-determined, facsimiles the past was contactable as life-sized
scenes that I was free to enter.  I had been theorizing about present
time being broadened to include more and more of the past; but Stephens'
Supermarket Paradox expresses this much more elegantly.

2) Stephens' four-leg model of games, and Know as the basic game,
immediately made sense.  They explain so much, and have the great virtue
of simplicity.  Mathematics was not one of LRH's strong points, and the
use of Boolean algebra may have been the additional thing that was

I'm currently on Level 3 of TROM.

Many thanks to Pete for maintaining this List, and to all who have been
keeping Dennis Stephens' work available and in use.  BTW... around 1997
I was quite outspoken on Usenet in defence (as I then misconceived it)
of scientology against freezoners and others.  If anyone whom I offended
at that time is reading this, I acknowledge that you were right and I
was in the wrong.






Message: 2
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 23:19:42 -0700
From: Pete Mclaughlin <pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com>
To: The Resolution of Mind list <trom@lists.newciv.org>
Subject: Re: [TROM1] Introduction
Message-ID: <4c863d79-a807-46b2-90ef-a7dc15eca...@yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi David
Thanks for the introduction. I have removed the moderate flag from
your email address.

Your note
http://adarsajnana.wordpress.com/2013/10/04/sensory-overload-and-unimportances/ was an interesting read. Dennis derived TROM from Scientology, of course, but I hadn't seen the reference to an unimportance a process

My personal experience after studying Scientology, Buddhism, Sedona
Method, TROM and lately "Busting Loose From the Money Game" is that
all of these therapies address the same problem of the mind in
similar fashion.  The words used to call up an incident are less
important than how thoroughly you re-experience the past scene and
reduce it's importance to you.

The thing I found most important in TROM was that it is an entirely
self guided therapy. I am a problematic PC because I get into games
conditions with the auditor. I can't do that with TROM.

Hope you find TROM helpful.

Keep on TROMing

List Moderator

On Oct 12, 2013, at 2:55 PM, davco...@virginbroadband.com.au wrote:

The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

I'm David Cooke from  Adelaide, Australia.  I've had an interest in
scientology (in the broadest sense of the word, and with a
lowercase "s")  for most of this lifetime, and came upon TROM a few
months ago in the course of reading everything I could find about
the continuation of the research that LRH began into actual GPMs,
games and goals packages.  Two things stood out about Dennis
Stephens' work:

1) Timebreaking. I've experienced this way of thinking at least
since going clear 40 years ago but never had a word for it or a
conceptual framework to explain it.  In place of small, solid,
apparently other-determined, facsimiles the past was contactable as
life-sized scenes that I was free to enter.  I had been theorizing
about present time being broadened to include more and more of the
past; but Stephens' Supermarket Paradox expresses this much more

2) Stephens' four-leg model of games, and Know as the basic game,
immediately made sense.  They explain so much, and have the great
virtue of simplicity.  Mathematics was not one of LRH's strong
points, and the use of Boolean algebra may have been the additional
thing that was needed.

I'm currently on Level 3 of TROM.

Many thanks to Pete for maintaining this List, and to all who have
been keeping Dennis Stephens' work available and in use.  BTW...
around 1997 I was quite outspoken on Usenet in defence (as I then
misconceived it) of scientology against freezoners and others.  If
anyone whom I offended at that time is reading this, I acknowledge
that you were right and I was in the wrong.





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