The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Alex
Excellent points.

There is a mechanism for creation that is acceptable in this universe.  You 
have to go through rituals that everyone agrees upon will cause the desired 
object to appear.

I spend 30 years assaying rocks for gold as a business and did a lot of looking 
for gold in the field.

I have picked up gold nuggets lying on the bedrock in the desert as well as 
recovering gold by wet washing and dry washing techniques.  This is the 
mutually agreed upon real technique for creating gold out of "thin air."

To creat a cake mix the ingredients, pour them in a cake pan and bake in the 
oven.  Wahla! a cake is created.

To create a house buy some wood and nails and assemble them with knowledge of 
how they go together and Wahla! a house appears.

We all "Create from thin air" what ever we have as skills to create using the 
agreed upon in this universe methods of creation.

I spent a lot of weekends shopping at garage sales for valuable stuff i needed. 
 I was fun to make up a mental list of things i would like to have and what was 
a reasonable price for pay for them then find them at yard sales for 1/10 that 
price.  I filled my house with stuff this way and had fun doing it.

After working with TROM for a couple of years i began to create complimentary 
postulates in others as an interesting exercise.  i had the state of California 
franchise tax board decide that i must owe sales tax on a out of state purchase 
i had shipped to my home.  I released my resistance to that postulate and then 
created the postulate that this tax bill was so small that it wasn't worth the 
effort of the tax collector agent to pursue me on the issue.  After a while 
they quit calling and i heard no more about it.

Working with pan determined and other determined postulates works nicely.  

Now i work at creating my vegetable garden and wood working projects and 
getting along with my neighbors in a friendly fashion and just have fun.

Life is beautiful.

Keep on TROMing
Pete McLaughlin 
Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 8, 2015, at 9:36 AM, The Resolution of Mind list 
> <trom@lists.newciv.org> wrote:
> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> I'll explain ,
> because of the law of freedom of choice, I cannot impose my will on others.So 
> we are
> But for sure I am responsible to myself , to keep me out of a compulsive game 
> condition.And playing the victim.
> Doing so, others can see my example of living this way.If they want to see 
> (to know).
> Another reflection : if someone finishes Trom , he/she has two choices :
> a) quit the body and exit these game,
> b) keep on playing these game , but as a voluntary game player amongst 
> compulsive game players).
> As a voluntary game player , it is difficult to play amongst a lot of 
> compulsive game player.
> So if someone quits the game , or keep playing , someone remains always a 
> creator.We should also increase our abilities as creators spiritual 
> beings.Could it be that our journey doesn't stop in completing Trom,but keeps 
> going to regain the status of full Creators about life.(I refer to Ken Hogger 
> writings).For example to bring into existence gold nuggets out of the air ?
> In my daily life , now , I enjoy about playing with opposite postulates and 
> complementary postulates.
> And it is amazing to see how effective are complementary postulates in making 
> any mass vanisging.I play in family, when I work,in the street , anywhere.It 
> is so absurd why these abilitity is not taught in primary school.First thing 
> to teach to a student is how to play life.
> After learning to read and write , a boy should learn Trom , at least Level 
> 1,2 and 3 . Imagine how much "mass" would not be created everywhere.
> To become a citizen with full rights, one must attest Level 1,2,and 3 of Trom.
> what do you think ?
> keep on tromming
> alex.
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