The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Alex,

I suggest you finish Level 5. When complete you will know much better what
you can do, and what is next.

I also suggest you and any who have not yet read "Autobiography of a Yogi"
by Yogananda, to read it. It is available here to read on-line:

In it you will find described amazing miracles of healing, resurrection,
manifestation, levitation, being in more than one place at a time, etc.

These "OT" feats were performed by beings that had realized God. Written in
1945, you might consider whether LRH read it too :)



-----Original Message-----
From: The Resolution of Mind list [mailto:trom@lists.newciv.org] 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 3:15 AM
To: trom@lists.newciv.org
Subject: [TROM1] marketing Trom

Hi Pete,
it would a good idea if we start this new project , I have in mind.What 
if we start putting our attention to the body , and like a mechanics fixes
the car , we start to fix the body functioning ?
the body has its genetic mind,that keeps running its life,(i.e. borning 
, growing,reproducing,aging and dying).And if this program written in
the DNA, it is just a compulsive program?
Epigenetics says that the DNA can be rewritten,and it is not fixed as 
Darwin wants to make us believe ( see the works of Bruce Lipton , "The 
biology of believes"). so what better tool of Trom, to erase compulsive 
game condition ?
well, now the task is to figure it out.we could start to create a list 
with positive life goals for the body.example , "To Grow younger" , but 
I wonder
one thing , which is the language of the body, if there is one.Does it 
respond to the mind?
How did Jesus performed his miracles?

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