The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
This chapter is very significant for me.  I have caught others being critical 
in the past.  

For instance I was working for a contractor who lost the contract.  A new 
company was going to take over so I would no longer be working for my old 
employer but would be working for the new employer.  
My boss came to me and said "Watch out for this new contractor as they will 
cheat you out of your pay."
 A week later as I was starting work under the new contractor I got a letter 
from the old contractor saying they would not be paying me my vacation pay as 
some obscure federal law said they were not liable for it but the new 
contractor must pay the vacation pay.
It took 6 months of working with the California Department of Consumer Affairs 
to force my previous employer to pay the vacation pay he owed me.

So you see it is real to me that people being "Critical of Others" are 
revealing what they feel guilty about in their own behavior.

Be sure to work this one with 3 flows. 
1. Am i being critical of others?
2 is someone else being critical of me?
3 is someone else being critical of another person?

Then ask, "What have i or they done i or they are ashamed of?"
This can be loads of fun when dissecting the evening news or political speeches.

Do Not Ask a critical person what they are hiding as this will spark the 
fireworks of the Missed Withhold phenomenon or the missed game strategy as 
Dennis puts it in book 05 The Game Strategy. People will kill to protect their 
game strategy secrets.

The full book Psychic First Aid is available at www.tromhelp.com in PDF and 
Kindle format at no charge.

Keep on TROMing
Pete Mclaughlin


This section is to use if you find yourself being critical. (By "critical," I 
do not mean assessing something in order to choose, I mean find things wrong 
with another person or other persons.) 
If you find yourself being critical then the first thing to realize is, that 
whether or not the things you find wrong with the other person are there, or 
did actually happen, or not, the sense of wrongness comes from you. You are 

When you think the critical thought or say the critical message to another you 
are defending yourself. You are defending yourself because you have done 
something that the other might consider is wrong and you are not sure whether 
or not that person has found out. 

It can be an unpleasant feeling of righteous anger or the impulse to beat 
someone to a pulp or the impulse to make the other person less by finding fault 
with them. 

Making them less seems to make what you did feel less important and so less 

To help reduce this feeling and the effects on you of these actions sit down 
with paper and pencil:

1. Write all the things that you have DONE to that person that they might 
consider are wrong.

 2 . Write all that you have done to that person that you feel you must hide. 

3. Write all that you have done that you or anyone else could consider is 
WATCHING Now ask yourself: 

4. When, and What did someone say or do (or didn't say or do) that made you 
wonder whether or not they knew what you had done? Relax and be willing to 
know, and the answer will come to you. Write it down. 

5. Did anyone else say or do anything that made you wonder whether or not they 

6. Find all those people that you feel may have nearly found out. Find out what 
was said or done that made you wonder if they knew or not. Write it all down. 

When you have done this and still feel a little unhappy about the person 
realize that a similar thing may have happened before so stay with the idea of 
“having done things you would rather hide and that are not definitely found 
out” and find an earlier similar time. 

Handle this time in the same way as the first. Keep finding earlier times and 
handling them until you feel much better and have no desire to be critical of 
the person or persons in question. 

Realize that the very same reactions are at work when someone else is being 
critical of you

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