The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Thank you for all you do and have done and will do, Ant.

Merry Christmas to you!


On Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 7:13 AM, The Resolution of Mind list <
trom@lists.newciv.org> wrote:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> *Sent Saturday Saturday 24th of December 2016*
> by *ant.phill...@post8.tele.dk* <ant.phill...@post8.tele.dk> (Antony
> Phillips)
> This should be TROM replay B66
> but there isn't such a beast!
> Note that this is NOT a resend of a message sent some years ago, and some
> data (like addresses) is liable to be inaccurate.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------
> Dear TROMmer,
> I am sorry to have to inform you that that is it! We got to the bottom of
> the barrel, I can't scrape anything more up!
> All I can do is wish you a good Christmas, or if you're not interested in
> Christmas wish you a good future.
> All best wishes,
> Ant(ony).
> *ant.phill...@post8.tele.dk <ant.phill...@post8.tele.dk>*
> www.antology.info
> *Jernbanevej 3F 4th*
> *DK 2800 Lyngby*
> Telephone: (+45) 4588 8869 <+45%2045%2088%2088%2069>
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