The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Thanks karalee for posting a new link to Boole’s ‘Investigation’!

Chapters 2 and 3 are the essentials of Boolean logic that Dennis used in TROM. Boole wrote that the most important law was x(1-x) = 0, in other words a thing either exists or it doesn’t. The only values of x that satisfy this equation are 1 and 0, hence the system of binary arithmetic where these are the only numbers. We can recognise this equation now as the boundary between sanity and insanity, and as Dennis said in the Insanity Lectures it is also valuable in explaining the perceived solidity and mass of the physical universe. x(1-x) = 0 can also be written as x squared = x, or a thing cannot be more itself than it already is. Dennis (and Aristotle, long ago) wrote this more simply as as x = x.

In chapter 4 Boole writes about two classes of propositions in logic: primary (concrete) propositions, about actual things; and secondary (abstract) propositions about propositions. I think there’s some parallel here with what we’d now call two classes of postulates. There are postulates that a thing exists or not. On the other hand there are bonding postulates about the relation between two things.

The later chapters in Boole’s Investigation are interesting but might be less helpful. Chapters 5 to 12 develop his basic principles to manipulate logical equations with algebra. He shows how all the terms in a problem or a philosophical argument can be symbolized by letters and written as a series of logical propostions, and the conclusion of these propositions found by manipulating them as algebra, with examples of this in chapter 13. Then he goes on about probabilities.

In the Investigation, Boole only uses lowercase letters for variables, representing qualities or attributes that define classes of things. He had previously (in The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, 1843) used uppercase letters as well to stand for actual things. He considered this simplification was a breakthrough, like a language that had eliminated nouns and needed only adjectives. He also noted in this book that we really only need one verb – the verb ‘to be’, since all other verbs can be expressed by a word modifying this one. So he may well have been on the way toward Dennis’ concept of be known/ know.

I read somewhere (it might be in Wikipedia) that Boole at 17 had a big cognition that everything converged on one-ness. He connected this to the Hebrew concept of one God, and at first wanted to convert to Judaism and study theology. A wise Rabbi pointed him in the direction of mathematics instead. Boole remained a Christian - but a Unitarian.

As Dennis wrote, to run TROM you don’t need to study Boolean logic in any more detail that he gave ... unless you want to, of course. Personally I think it's much, much more fun than games like football.

Kind regards,

David Cooke

On 27/12/2016 7:20 am, The Resolution of Mind  list wrote:
The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

A bio:   https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/boole/#LawTho185 [1]

The book which Dennis undoubtedly read:

[1] https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/boole/#LawTho185
[2] http://www.eng.auburn.edu/~agrawvd/COURSE/READING/DIGITAL/15114-pdf.pdf

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