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Hi Marcus,

On Feb 9, 2017, at 10:16 PM, The Resolution of Mind list wrote:

The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Paul,

Thanks for the answer.

I tried to answer your questions as best as I could, below. :)

Hi Marcus,

Kind of weird? Not for me. I call it Magic. A part of my life now is one of both summoning or responding to another when communication is desired by myself or the other party although no physical communication has taken place. It even happens to others who are with me and they come up with a desired communication to or from another. It's some kind of communication facility that I picked up.

Yes I wanted to point out this coincidence; just in case it was not a coincidence for you. :D

Now to your questions on Level 4. I didn't get what is going on with your processing and didn't get a certainty of what your questions are. But I have what I feel is very pertinent to this Level. Dennis does not talk about or have one consider which overwhelms are the ones that one should go after and clean up. I spent some time considering 'What overwhelms should one look for to run out'. There are several classes. There are both mental and physical overwhelms and of course with the 8 commands there are the overwhelms from others and those from oneself. There are also degrees of overwhelm. For now I would just look into those overwhelms that have occurred in a physical universe and choose those overwhelms which would be the most overwhelming and have the most adverse affect on you. Also look at those from other times and other universes.

I basically havent got anything which was occluded from me by doing level 4 on my own; this is my main problem.

There seems to be a major occlusion that I have yet to see anyone mention. You are a body, mind and spirit and I want to narrow this by having you look at your body only because the toughest part to confront is how you or anyone has been overwhelmed through their body.

I figured it is because I can't pin down the exact intended way for how these commands should be run, or how one should go about for getting the concept of 'forced to know' and such.

I started trying to use the original command "get the idea of ....". No results. Then I tried bringing forth and intensifying examples of universal situations which would fit into the concepts infliction, rejection, revelation, deprivation. No results. Then I went back to words but now I'd be always questioning the commands and wondering if I was missing some definition or auditing law; it kind of got worse.

I'm also not excluding the possibility that I'm invalidating too much and that maybe I just need someone to tell me I'm exaggerating or being premature and need to do more RI or persist with the original command. This has worked for me in the past, indeed.

Skipping down to here ... as a body, a beingness in a game with other bodies and beingnesses, what would be an overwhelm to you and also to others? I'll start you off by asking ... what about an illness like a common cold or a knock on the ol' noggin? Can a cold be an overwhelm of degree to you or someone else? Can you now come up with other overwhelms such as this? ... Good, name them.

My question to you is ... What overwhelm(s) would you be the most effect of and have been the most effect of?

I'm not sure what you meant by 'most' - degree, amount, extent?

Assuming a combination of those three factors, I'd take a guess that the overwhelm which most pursues me would be 'forced to be known' - probably both in DOINGNESS and BEINGNESS; and it is also to some extent the root of other overts I suffer and cause. (I use the word overt for something that could be an overwhelm or something milder)

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